Through increasing knowledge span, extending thought depth, clearing up negative transference with regular psychological tendency, strengthening training for variety of chemical formula, efficiency should be increasing to solve chemical problem. 通过增大知识跨度,延伸思维深度,消除思维定势的负迁移,强化变式训练,才能提高解题效率。
The Present State and the Considering on Politic Thought Transference for Undergraduate Students under the Market Economy Condition 市场经济条件下高校学生思想政治工作的现状及思考
Strengthening Thought Transference and Increasing Efficiency of Solving Chemical Problem 强化思维迁移,提高解题效率
Third, build a modern system of thought transference tallying with the characteristic and request of epoch and enhance validity of engrafting the ideology of our party; 建立起符合时代特点和要求的现代思想教育体系,提高党的意识形态灌输的有效性;